Happy Birthday George
On October 28, George Bayntun reached his 105 year Birthday and opened his Birthday and message Card from The Queen in his own home.
George is still living in his home town of Rye in his own home and getting about in a motorised invalid vehicle doing his shopping, taking trips to the seaside at Rye Harbour and generally terrorising the population on this ‘Devil’s go-cart’.
Joking aside, George is a remarkable character, fierily independent and self sufficient. We have it on good authority that he still has a lady friend, 20 years his junior, who drives down from Bristol to see him. He has had a full and active life and lived it all in Rye.

Birthday cards from the Queen are sent at 100 years (the appropriate department must be informed – information is on line) then 105 years (the Works and Pensions Department make a check) and apparently every year thereafter, so George can expect a greeting from Her Majesty every year from now on.
Happy Birthday George from Rye’s Own
“Rye’s Own Bulletin” Sunday 29 October 2016
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