How many of these young ladies from 1931 do you remember?
Sometimes a piece of history turns up at “Rye’s Own” that we can’t wait to show our readers. This is one of those times. Mrs. Cox sent in this wonderful picture of the large room at the Lion Street School depicting the girls class Four of 1931. This room has stayed virtually unchanged to this day and anyone who has lived in Rye for any period of time will have enjoyed Further Education activities here and in the other old classrooms of the school bequeathed “for the education of the children of Rye” in perpetuity by John Meryon. It was the Youth Club until 1975

and has been used by the Rye Movie Society, Rye Camera Club, the Cubs, Guides, Rye Brass Band, many art classes, for discos, dances, receptions, demonstrations, craft fairs, antique fairs and many exhibitions. When the Library moves to Cinque Ports Street the Lion Street property is to be converted into luxury flats and Rye will have been cheated out of one more of its precious educational homes. The Ferry Road, New Road and Tilling Green School sites will follow soon.
From May 2007 issue of “Rye’s Own”
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