Rye Town meeting took place at the Tilling Green Community Centre on Wednesday 4 April 2018. The Mayor of Rye, Councillor Jonathan Breeds gave his annual address to a meeting of around 150 Rye residents. We print it here in full for the benefit of those that were unable to attend. Report and comment will appear in the May Issue of Rye’s Own.
Community assets
I am pleased to report that we successfully completed the purchase
of 97 South Undercliff for the purpose of letting it to a Rye household
at a discounted rent.

We have only recently advertised a tenancy at a discounted rent because
we needed to be certain that our Discounted Accommodation scheme does
not contravene equalities legislation. Those of you who took part
in the consultation that gave the Council a mandate to obtain a loan
to buy a property may recall that the intention was to let it to a Continue reading RYE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING 2018