Seventeen men battled with backs bent against the furious force of the wind along the straight stretch of beach to the Mary Stanford Lifeboat House between Rye Harbour and Winchelsea Beach. Continue reading 80 Years Since Lifeboat Disaster
Month: November 2008
Bonfire in Rye
By Jimper
Rye is famous for its bonfires on November 5th and our family have always been involved in the society. The faggots for the huge fire had to be got from the field where they had been used for the jumps at the local point-to-point and taken to the fire site on the salts at Rye, this was a job us young lads loved to do and dads lorry was kept busy Then the older boys and men would arrange them into a wonderful shape as a fire.

The fire in Rye is always lit by a well-known celebrity from films or TV, music etc. The guest is paraded through the town in a sedan chair on the shoulders of the fire brigade, to a procession of flaming torches onto the town’s salts to light the fire. Continue reading Bonfire in Rye
Fun Run Cash Raiser
Rye Rotarians & Cyclists Raise Cash in Fun Run
From the November 2008 issue of “Rye’s Own”
Rye & Winchelsea Rotary Club and the Rye & District Wheelers joined
forces to put on their second annual “Tour de Rye et Romney Marshes”
cycle endurance fun run. Continue reading Fun Run Cash Raiser
The French Trips
Three Day Trips to France in 2008
This year Bob Burden organised three trips to Calais and around twelve members took part each time. The riders, of the Tuesday group standard, met at Dover in Continue reading The French Trips