Rye & District Wheelers are looking for more ladies to join the club and help maintain the amazing success achieved by its women members over the past 10 years. In the 50’s and 60’s the club had a highly successful track racing team but the grass track days were long gone by 2000 and competition turned to time trialing. The Wheelers have become one of the leading time trialing clubs in the area, producing a men’s VTTA (veterans over 40) National 100 Mile Championship team. a KCA Individual Champion and a team that was placed forth in the National Team Time Trial Championship last year.
It is however in the women membership that the greatest success has come. A National 24 Hour Champion, Three separate KCA 12 Hour Women’s Champions, KCA BAR Champion, KCA BAR Championship team and many wins in Open, and Association events.

AmberKing (12 Hour specialist)
The club is asking for more ladies to join and help build on the success. It is far from all racing of course, there are club rides and social events galore and cycling is one of the best ways to health fitness. Its also a great way to lose weight.
“Rye’s Own” February 2013
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