Rye Old Boys F.C. 1936


This photograph was sent in by Jon Ashdown of New Romney. He told us that the Late Frank (Pickles) Igglesden had given it to him on one of his (Frank’s) cycle rides to New Romney, a trip he made most weeks. Continue reading Rye Old Boys F.C. 1936

Rye Old Boys F.C. 1936



This photograph was sent in by John Ashdown of New Romney. He told us that the Late Frank (Pickles) Igglesden had given it to him on one of his (Frank’s) cycle ride to New Romney, a trip he made most weeks. Continue reading Rye Old Boys F.C. 1936

Down Rye Way – Harry Walker – Rye’s Own May 2000

Harry Walker by The Editor

Although ex – London Cabbie Harry Walker has lived in the Town for only thirteen years he has become as well known a personality as many who have spent their entire life here.

Harry Arthur Walker was born in Lambeth on the 20th. September 1915 at the time the War in Flanders was raging at its height. Harry’s Father Henry Walker Continue reading Down Rye Way – Harry Walker – Rye’s Own May 2000