South Eastern Advertiser Rye Chronicle

Extracts from the

South Eastern Advertiser Rye Chronicle Romney Marsh and District News.



As the Church Sunday School were passing by the Union at the top of Rye Hill Superintendent J. Brookham, of Ore, was driving past, when one of the banners carried by the children frightened the horse, which turned round and tried to run up the bank, but slipping, it fell over on its side, breaking the shafts. The horse was afterwards got up and found to be little hurt, and luckily the only damage done was the breaking of the shafts.


                               RYE HARBOUR.


There was a crowded and most enthusiastic meeting of children and others in Rye Harbour School on Friday, to witness a presentation to Miss Bessie Benfield, who is giving up her work here. Miss Benfield has been infant mistress for two years, and the seventy or eighty children under her charge have become very much attached to her. It was resolved to make her some little presentation from these children and her other friends in the place, and Mr. and the Misses Watson very kindly acted as collectors.- The Rev. A. Cripps (in the unavoidable absence of the Vicar) called upon Miss Rosie Watson to present the sum collected, and he asked Miss Benfield to buy with it any keepsake she preferred. He said he hoped the Harbour would not lose sight of her altogether. The best wish he could give her was that there where ever her work lay in the future the children might be as fond of her as he was sure the Harbour children were. The children then gave cheer after cheer for Miss Benfield, who thanked them warmly.



On Wednesday last, in the City Court, Guild-hall, a case of considerable local interest was heard, the owners of the Rye steamer Crusader suing Captain Boreham of the smack Alice for damage sustained in a collision which occurred near the Rye Chemical Works between the Alice and the Crusader on June 5th last. Both craft were insured in Messrs. Holman’s Agency, but the offer of this firm of referring the case to arbitration had been refused. The witnesses were very numerous. Captain Bourne (Crusader), Mr Stephen Downey (Trinity Pilot), and Mr. E. J. Cory were called for the plaintiffs; and Captain Gallop (Of the Sole Bay), Captain. J. Boreham ( Alice), Mr Philips Chandler, Mr, D. Carey ( Foreman at the Rye Chemical Works) and Captain F.S. Francis, ( master mariner) for the defendant.- The case occupied two hours in trying, and in the end the Court gave a verdict for the defendant with cost. – Notice of appeal was given, so that the case may be tried at the Admiralty Court.

SATURDAY January 20 1894.

                        RYE BOARD OF GUARDIANS.

A meeting of the Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room, Rye-hill, on Monday last. Mr J. W. Lord, in the absence of the Chairman, presided, and there were also present, Major Stileman, Messrs. Roberts, Banister, J. Levett, Rickleford, M.Austen, W. Elliott, C. H. Stenning, C.C.W Neeves, C. Hayles, T. Cooper, T, J, Davis. W. Fuller, and the clerk (Mr T. J. Smith).

                                THE COAL TENDERS.

The Board first proceeded to receive and consider tenders for coal, in response to the advertisements and notices issued.

Mr. W. Wright offered “delivered in bags, as per notice” Wood’s selected best house coal at 30s 6d, subject to the Guardians accepting the Railway Company’s weight. This coal they declared was quite equal to any sea-borne coal. Mssrs. Bourner Bros. offered Hawthorn Wallsend at 31s. Charlston Main at 29s 6d, and South Yorkshire at 27s 9d, delivered to the Workhouse. Samples of the Wallsend had been sent. The Charlstone Main and South Yorkshire had not yet arrived, but a colliery certificate could be produced as a guarantee for quality.

Mr. E. Peskitt offered Hawthorn Wallsend at 32s. These were the only tenders.

Mr. HAYLES moved that they accept Messrs. Bourner Bros. Charleston Main, at 29s 6d , remarking that he was told that was the best they could get. He believed that would be better than taking the lower one.

Mr. RICKLESFORD seconded.

In reply to Mr. BANISTER,

Mr. Hayles said that was the kind of coal they generally had. It was harder than house coal.

Mr. BANISTER said it would be a mistake to burn such soft coal as house Wallsend in the furnace. He thought that it might be better to have two kinds.

Mr. HAYLES motion was carried. ~

March 2005 Issue of “Rye’s Own”

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