Thirty Miles to Raise Cash for Hill House Children
Three Pounds a Mile – Ten Pounds a Blister
Mr. Jack Pankhurmt, dressed as “Rye’s Own’s Mrs Mopp, 16 year old Francis Roe and Mr Barbara Larking set out on a 30 mile trek to Heating and back.
A challenge made in a Rye pub resulted in 64 year old Jack Pankhurst and Mrs. Babs Larking 57, walking 30 miles and earning over eighty pounds that will give the children of Hill House Hospital an outing to Margate.

It started with a bet that Jack. who works as a Gate Man on British Rail, could not walk to Hastings and back. It ended as a sponsored walk.
Mr. Pankhurst, Mrs. Larking and 16 year old Francis Roe set off from the ‘Queens Head’ Rye at 10 O’clock on Saturday 21st. June. Twelve hours later Jack Pankhurst and Mrs. Larking struggled into Rye. Francis had given up at Broad Oak on the return journey.
The trio were assisted on the walk by Busty & Allan Banks of the Queens Head Hotel and Mr. Jorden of Military Road, the man who originally bet Jack could not make it.
Mr. Pankhurst thanks everyone who sponsored the walk and also Rye St. John’s Ambulance Brigade for the loan of collecting boxes.
“Rye’s Own” July 1969
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