Available free to Anyone Who Reads the Magazine or Rye’s Own News on Facebook. Sent direct to your computer. No strings.
50 Years ago “Rye’s Own” was a fast selling local publication that captured the hearts of many Ryer’s – Some of our original readers from those far off times still enjoy their monthly fix in today’s, vastly changed world.

To give modern readersĀ a chance to see what the old publication was like we are giving a FREE electronic copy of the April 1966 issue to anyone who who would like to see what the magazine contained in those days. Please forward email address to [email protected]
The April 1966 issue, Volume One Number Six, was the Easter magazine, featuring Elaine Peprell, a member of the “Rye’s Own” staff, pictured on the cover wearing an ‘Easter Bonnet’ courtesy of High Street dress shop “Rose Anne”
The adverts feature so many long established Rye business’s that are no around. Sylvia’s Boutique, Sea Cruisers, Webb’s, R.H. Snoulton, Sussex Stores, The Stocking Parlour, The Apothecary’s Shop, Millers, Candler’s (who always had the advert printed upside down), John Wickens, Masters of Rye, Dean,s Rag Book Company, Gassons, H Phillips & Son, David Sharp Pottery, Camier’s, Central Garage, and many more.
The Editorial talks of the proposed ‘Comprehensive System’ . A meeting to discuss reviving the Rye Carnival, forthcoming Council Elections and rumours of forthcoming visits to the town by famous film and pop stars.
Artisans Dine at The George including picture, stories of Anglers and a Rye lad who was in a Royal Tournament Gun Team. Club news, sports items, wood block pictures of Rye and Winchelsea. Obituary of a well known Ryer.
Then there were regular features, What Is It?, On the Waterfront, The Adventures of Timmy Tommy, Round-Up in Pictures, Pen & Ink, Summary History of Rye, Fashion Page, Rye Through Literature and Down Rye Way featuring Robert Bayley.
This issue is also noted for the very first Jimper’s Jottings. Before he was famous, it was called Out & About with Jimper, but carried no picture.
Loads of other pictures and articles from a typical issue of the period.
If you are living away from Rye, anywhere in the World, you can order a regular subscription to one of our three modern publications by using this link to find out details.