Plans for Rye in Bloom 2005 activities are already underway.
This year’s Rye in Bloom competition will be judged between 29th June and 5th July by a panel of 8 judges who will, individually, visit all the entries during the allotted week. They will mark each display on its impact, colour, suitability, qua lit y and maintenance, particularly taking note of the year round interest in the resi dential front gardens. The idea for a panel of judges was suggested by one of last year’s entries and will give a very fair overall picture.
The Rye in Bloom competition categories have changed slightly this year and will be as follows:

Best Hotel and Guest House Display, Best Public House Display, Best Restaurant Display, Best Any Other Business Display, Best Residential Front Garden, Best Residential Hanging Basket/ Container Display and a category for school’s entries ‘Nice Things to Eat!’
Entry forms will be available from late April throughout the town.
Another date for your diary is the annual Rye in Bloom Plant Fair, which will take place at the Community Centre in Conduit Hill on Sunday 15th May from 10am – 2pm. A selection of great plant stalls will be on offer. If, on the other hand, you have plants to sell please contact us at the telephone number below to book your own stall. You can also contact us via www.rye-tourism- .co.uk/inbloom.
The first Rye in Bloom Flower & Vegetable Show will take place later in the year. A traditional late summer show is being planned where local people can enter their own produce in this fun event. Suggestions so far for entries include Dahlias, Roses, Longest Runner Beans, Funniest Shape Vegetables (or rudest), Leeks, Carrots, Tomatoes, Onions, Soft Fruit , Herbs, Pot Plants, Flower Arrangements, Cookery (cakes and chutneys), Photography and Children’s mini gardens.
Details of the classes, date and venue will be announced shortly, meanwhile you may like to plan your vegetable patch now so that you can enter the very first Rye in Bloom Flower & Vegetable Show. The Rye in Bloom Litter Picks do not stop during winter, autumn and spring and our regular outings can, interestingly, be quite social occasions. Not only is the bending and stretching good exercise but it’s a great opportunity to catch up on all the gossip. So if you are able to join any of our outings we would be delighted to see new faces. Our next date is 23rd February starting at 2pm from Budgen’s Car Park.
Other plans for this year include some social outings to open gardens and other Horticultural Shows, a summer barbeque and a Christmas party. If you would like any information on the Rye in Bloom events or would like to join the group please call Lorna Hall on 01797 229808.
March 2005 Issue of “Rye’s Own”
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