Sea Cadets Fete
The 20th August proved to be one of the rare fine days of this summer and it was on this day that members of the Rye Sea Cadet Unit had chosen to run their Annual Summer Fete.

The Mayor of Rye, Alderman W. J. Hacking was in attendance to open the proceedings and then with the Mayoress, Mrs. Hacking, toured the fete trying their luck on the many sideshows and stalls. Among the many others present were Mr. Godman Irvine, M.P. for Rye and Bexhill, Captain
J. Evans (Chairman of the Sea Cadets Committee) and Mr. E. Camp (Chairman of the parents and friends committee). Fine weather and a band of enthusiastic helpers ensured the success of the occasion. Rye Tea Towel on Display in Rye New York
On the Brink…
Drama came to the Strand Quay one evening late in August. A van, parked near the edge of the Quay and with a large black Labrador as its only occupant, ran forward towards the river—but for a ladder in its path it could have plunged over the edge and smashed down onto the deck of a Rye trawler moored beneath. Fortunately the van came to rest on the brink and the owner soon came forward to rescue the dog from its uncomfortable position. With the help of police and onlookers a tractor was able to tow the vehicle back to safety.
Display in New York
As we reported in our July issue Miss Mabel Bourne cf Winchelsea Road was off on a visit to Newbourg, New York. She stayed with her relatives, some of whom she had not seen for seventeen years. While she was there she took a look at the town of Rye, New York. Here she met the Mayor who escorted her round the Town Hall. After the fine reception she had received, she thought it would be nice if she left something behind as a record of her visit. Mabel presented the Mayor with a framed Tea Towel of Rye, Sussex, which is now proudly displayed on the wall of the Town Hall in Rye, New York.
Barbecue & Dance at Iden
A Barbecue and Dance was held at the Village Hall, Iden on Saturday, 3rd September. The dance, organized by Fred and Charlie Coleman, followed a Fair held in the early evening at which teas were served by Fred and Charlie Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Stretton, Mrs. Philips and Mrs. Lawrence.
The Vampires provided the music for the dance which drew 300 people into the village hall, the biggest dance to be held there for several years.
Mr. Rodney Cure and Mr. John Kennedy cooked the food for the Barbecue which included a roast pig, chicken and hot dogs.
Rye’s Own Crime Desk
An Elephant Never Forgets
Do you remember to— Remove valuables from your car before leaving it unattended?
Lock all doors, windows and the boot?
During August, 1966, over 100 motor vehicles were stolen or taken without the owner’s consent in East Sussex. Most of them were recovered. Some had been used in the commission of crime. Others had been abandoned in a damaged condition. In some cases property and accessories had been stolen. Owners had to travel to many different parts of the country to recover their vehicles.
Don’t help the criminal to help himself—lock your car.
Local Crime
Rye’s Own Road Safety Feature
Who is round the bend?
Many accidents are caused by bad overtaking. The first time you chance it might be the last. Do not overtake until you can see the road is clear ahead. Then only if you have a safety margin.
Reminder to Motorists
Four year old vehicles must have a Test Certificate by the 1st October, 1966.
The Wrong Spirit
Theft of petrol from vehicles left unattended at night is increasing. Locking petrol tank caps to fit most models can be purchased at local garages.
A Clean Sweep
A man called at a house outside Rye and asked to examine the electric cleaner. He stated that it required servicing and took it away. Neither the man nor cleaner has been seen since.
Got the Hump
Stolen from a wall bracket outside a local country house—a set of 5 brass camel bells.
Butlins Talent Winner
Miss Wendy Swain, one of Mrs. Ferguson’s pupils has recently won first place in the Bognor heat of the Butlin’s Junior Talent Competition.
Wendy Swain
Besides a prize of a weeks holiday at one of the camps, she also gets a chance to compete in the semi-final of this interesting event.
From the October 1966 issue of “Rye’s Own”
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