Miss Holiday Swing

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Miss Holiday Swing Singer of Vintage Songs

By Jim Hollands

It was the hottest late summer Bank Holiday ever recorded and the crowds were out in force at Folkestone for a special double vintage event based on the famous Grand Hotel on the Lees Cliff.

The Oldtimer Rally, run by the ‘Grand Oldtimers Car Club’ is an established annual event, except for the war years, a car rally has been a feature in Folkestone since 1896


Inside the Hotel there was a Vintage and Craft Fair with an amazing variety of interesting artifacts, clothing and crafted products to entice the hundreds of buyers who passed through between 10am. and 4pm.

On the huge stage at the far end of the third stall filled gallery, the seemingly diminutive figure of top class vintage star, Miss Holiday Swing, was singing classic

vintage songs from far off times when the world wa s  younger . Amongst the numbers Holly sang were songs that made you laugh, songs that made you want to sing along and love songs that stirred the memory to recall past romances.

Nostalgia is a very powerful emotion. Yet in the sales area, deals were being done and sales were being made and the only time it was evident the people in the room were aware of the music was the large amount of impromptu applause that came at the end of each song. To be able to perform in a hall where there is split interest is one of this singers great assets. Holly has been performing in front of all types of audience since she started out at the age of  fourteen. Whether she is performing in front of an audience of thousands at a military event, hundreds in a packed theatre or just a handful at a residential home Holly will always give 100% to every number she sings.

Miss Holiday Swings appearance is always as immaculate as her voice. Her special interests have always been in vintage music and fashion. For the event at The Grand she chose this stunning dress by Aurelie & Rose of Eastbourne

Outside the sun blazed down on the priceless collection of oldtimers. Ian Benson’s 1935 Bentley Le Mans Vandem Plas. GX 1229. was the centre of attraction. This beautiful car is the centre of attention wherever it goes Ian told me. It evokes childhood memories of exciting books on car racing with a similar car featured on the cover.

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