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Massive Model Railway Show steaming into Rye
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Details of the Massive ModelRailway Show steaming into town!
You’re invited to make tracks to a modelrailway show in Rye on Saturday 29th April 2017. The first one in Rye in over 20 years and is tip to be the largest in Sussex.
The event is being held 10am – 4.30pm at Rye College, The Grove, Rye East Sussex.
More than 20 modelrailway layouts, along with a number of trade stands, will be on show in a variety of scales from tiny Z gauge to O Gauge.
Model Railway
The exhibition is being supported by clubs and modellers from around the South East, with layouts including:
Sewel, based on the Rye & Camber tramway.
Ville a la Campagne, a quiet French country town.
Volks Railway, based on the tramway in Brighton.
Cement Works, an industrial scene of a cement works.
Sewel, based on the Harvey Brewery in Lewes and a barge from Rye Harbour.
South Cement Works, an industrial scene of a cement works with much inspiration taken from various in the South East.
Cato Pass, a Sci Fi layout based in space.
Volks Railway, based on the railway on Brighton sea front.
Morton Stanley, featured in April edition of the RM.
Shoreditch, based on the London station.
There’s free parking on-site at the school. There is a small admission. Rye has a very strong railway heritage, especially with the Rye and Camber Tramway.