All Fun And Dance at Tilling Green
By Helen Day
Line Dance class takes place on Friday mornings 10.15 – 11.45am at Tilling Green Community Centre, Mason Road, Rye.
This is a lovely friendly group and a real delight to teach.
I am pleased to say the class is running well and everyone is doing so well that I have decided they deserve to put what they have learnt into action by having a social evening.

This will take place on Saturday 18th May at Tilling Green Community Centre, Dancing starts at 6.30pm. It is open to all, not only for those who attend Line Dance already, but also those who may be curious to see what we do or those who just want to enjoy an evening out. There will be a variety of routines, modern and traditional and a great selection of music, country to pop, old to new.
Ticket are £5 for dancers and £3 for Non Dancers/ Guests & the Curious. All are welcome.
People are invited to bring their own choice of nibbles and refreshments, Tea and Coffee will be available, as well as a raffle.
Anyone wishing to join a class, sessions take place at Rye, Beckley and Staplecross.
For further information please telephone Helen 01797 252087 or email
“Rye’s Own” May 2013
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