Despotic Act of Vandalism
Historic St Mary’s Church, Rye, has had one of its most valuable stained glass windows smashed and removed.
The damage is believed to have occurred between 10.45pm and 08.45am on the night of Monday/Tuesday 29/30 August. Police are continuing to investigate.
The 12th Century parish church is in the centre of Rye and the damaged window was dedicated to the memory of Dr John Adamson and his wife, Jane. It was given by members of their family in about 1882.
It is the church’s oldest window and was the work of C.E Kempe. The lower, damaged part of the window was a vivid representation of the Lord giving sight to a blind man.

Police Community Support Officer Daryl Holter, also a heritage crime officer, said: ” The damage to the window is appalling, and irreversible so far as its originality is concerned..
“To repair both the glass and stone will be both extremely costly and inconvenient. It saddens me to think that our heritage can be so mindlessly damaged in this way, preventing future generations from enjoying and understanding it”.
Anyone with any information about the incident is asked to email or phone l 101, quoting serial 286 of 30/08.
Alternatively they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. (