Faces From the Past A random collection of photographs – All Rye related. Many Characters and personalities from 1955 – 2015 Sandra in the Costume She used at Minehead Joe Sperring Duke of Norfolk Opens New Rye Police Station Albert Sanders On Mayoral Duty Mr. G.W.R. Terry The Chief Constable of East Sussex The Television Man The last Rye Borough Mayor Shovels out the Hot Pennies Globe Inn 1971 The Mayor of Rye, Councillor Phil Ellis, Presents the Frederica with her prize for winning the 1969 Miss Rye’s Own Competition Jimper Ann Adair (left) and Sylvia Sperring at Rye Fair 1958 Jane Cresey Gilbert Fabes Jimper By Marina Kim Sylvia Button Alfred Horner Jim Sargent Matinee at the Second Regent built ater the war to replace the one the Germans bombed. Margaret Ashdown Barbara Newman Miss Rye is Crowned by the Mayor of Rye Prince Phillip Meets Jimper Shoey Bennett Patricia Davis 24 Year Old Child Nurse East Street John & Priscilla Ryan The Teachers of Rye Primary School Ferry Road Rye Bonfire Boys 1965 David Britt’s Scrapbook Five Times Wheelers 25 Mile Champion – An all time record The Three Muscateers David Smeed Peter Mitchell _ Was at the Battle of Jutland and the Sinking of the Bismark Championship Medal from Mayor of Rye Councillor Paul Osborne RO OCT 2008 Technician Clive Wall with Roy Parrack Terry Spencer Gary Booth Today Curly Price and Syd Heritage Roy Miles Joan with Movie Society ‘Osker’ Councillor Alfred Horner, Mayor of Rye Sylvia Sperring 1958 The 1969 Miss Rye’s Own Cover David Smeed and Diane Cutting – David was excellent either side of the camera Rye Athletic 1974 Ted Channel (right), Major Kite (centre) and Robert Hollands Whose Who? Rye Sports Days are No More Udimore FC Sheila Cockett Rye Primary Football Team 1956-57 Myra Smeed Top Scorer Harry Phillips Two Won Championship one week before War started Roy Miles (standing) and Fred Masters – The two best cinephotographers in Sussex Roy Fritchley Derek Phillips Rita Thomas. 20 Year Old Childrens Nurse at Hill House Hospital