One Year On
Just one year on from the fire which destroyed the Martyn Channon premises in Rye Cattle market the family business is back on the old site and trading in newly constructed buildings.

Martyn Channon, Patrick Channon, Stacey Haden, Shirley Borrer, Buffy
the dog, Paul Whiteman and David Whiteman. Mark ‘Slim’ Shade is missing
from the photograph, he was out on the lorry delivering.
Thanks to the help of the Bourne family, who found them suitable temporary accommodation in the old auction building at Rock Channel, business was carried on throughout the period when the rebuilt units were being constructed.
Martyn Channon’s have been trading in the town for almost thirty years and despite two enormous body blows. The first when the weekly Rye Cattle Market was closed because of the ‘foot and mouth’ epidemic and later, even when the ban was lifted, was closed forever and turned into a car park. Then came the fire, caused when the rubbish skip outside was set ablaze in an arson attack. The fire spread from the skip into the building and resulted in a half million pound blaze that grew to such proportions that the neighbouring houses were evacuated.

Now the Channon family and their loyal staff can put the past behind them and carry on giving the excellent service to farmers and public alike at the site that has become their traditional home.
Rye’s Own July 2007
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