Saturday 21 June will be a very special day for Bob & Joyce Clayton.
On that day they will be celebrating 50 years of marriage. Quite an achievement in these days of many divorces and non-marital relationships.
There have been rough times for Bob and Joyce however but they have pulled through the bad years together.

Three children, Nicky, Debbie and Mark were brought up to be well behaved and enterprising and are a credit to both Bob & Joyce.
Bob and Joyce Clayton (Nee Weller) were born and bred in Rye where they attended the Rye Schools. Joyce is the daughter of the late Charles and Eve Weller. Charlie Weller was Rye Borough Surveyor and was one of the key figures who handled the work force on major tasks undertaken (in those days) by council workers or contractors.
Bob worked “down the Harbour Road” for Spun concrete and later, on the Camber Road for A.R.C. where he saw out his working days until his retirement.
Joyce is retired too. Her working life included a long spell at Dean’s Rag Book Company and later at Osbourne’s Hairdressers in the Landgate.
To celebrate the Golden Wedding their children sent them on a trip to the Dutch Bulb fields.
“Rye’s Own” June 2008
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