Rye Christmas Festival 2015

Spectacular Day of Christmas Fun in the Streets of Rye.

What a fantastic event – Inspired by Rye Mayor Berni Fiddimore and put together by an amazing team and a mass of volunteers. Continue reading Rye Christmas Festival 2015

Film – Rye Remembers 2015

Remembrance Day Parade – Sunday 8 November 2015

The Maroon exploded over Rye at 11 am. and people waiting around the War Memorial in the Churchyard for the Service of Remembrance in St. Mary’s to finish, fell silent in Pump Street and Church Square. All that could be heard were the cries of seagulls that had been frightened off the Church roof by the maroon. The silence lasted two minutes, until a second explosion marked the end of the allotted time. Continue reading Film – Rye Remembers 2015