French Officers Escape Through Rye

By Frank Palmer.

During the Napoleonic Wars many prisoners were taken on both sides. Those taken by the British were shipped back to Britain and held in prison hulks and prisons through out the land. Dartmoor Prison was built for this purpose. Continue reading French Officers Escape Through Rye

Recollections of Mrs. Michell


As recalled by Rye nonagenarian

Charles de Salis

Soon after my wife and I moved to Rye in 1980, I took over a French conversation class at the Further Education Centre. At the first lesson, the students told me about Mrs. Michell, an old lady in her nineties who normally attended the class, but was in hospital, having broken her pelvis. She spoke fluent French, and her attendance at the class had always been, the students felt, the highlight of her week. Continue reading Recollections of Mrs. Michell

Down Rye Way – Bob Woolley

by “Elaine”

He guarded the Bank of England

Robert Woolley first saw the light of day in 1894. He was born in the Mint.

Bob, as he has always been called, first went to school at Mermaid Street then going on to the Lion Street school for the second part of his education. Before leaving school he took a job as a Hot Roll Boy delivering bread rolls around the town for Mr. Clark who had a bake-house in Needles Passage. The rolls, sold mainly for people’s breakfasts, were 1d. each or 7 for 3d. Bob Woolley also did a milk round at this time and he completed both jobs before he started school in the Continue reading Down Rye Way – Bob Woolley