Woodchurch Players Annual Pantomime
By Amber King
The opening performance of Sleeping Beauty on 17th January was performed to a large audience of Brownies, who celebrate their Centenary and formation of the Brownies Association in 1914. Matinee and evening performances followed, seven performances altogether through to the 25th January. Sleeping Beauty was another excellent and entertaining production directed by Emma Priest.
The entire cast gave it their all and clearly enjoyed performing and the hard work that everyone had put into the rehearsals and stage artwork was evident.
Bea Walker brilliantly played Sleeping Beauty, Princess Rose. Jess Sacco was the heroic, Prince William.
Richard Fair, former resident of Iden, played a variety of joyful and boisterous characters, including Captain and Harbour Master. Mike Headling played the handsome King and cannibal chief. Richard and Mike are also members of the Woodchurch Morris Men. They explained that they have recently enjoyed performing to a variety of pubs in Woodchurch and across the Romney Marsh, their annual “Mummers Play” which raised £750 for Pilgrims Hospice and Kent Air Ambulance. A cheque to both charities will be presented at the forthcoming Six Bells Beer Festival on Sunday 23rd February.
It’s certainly worth making a note in your diaries to catch forthcoming performances of the Woodchurch Players and the Woodchurch Morris Men throughout the coming year. Both have websites listing their future events.
The Woodchurch Players have been putting on productions since 1980. This society currently has approximately 60 members, including children. They put on 3 productions a year: Autumn production, Pantomime and Spring Play. The Pantomime is always very popular and the highlight of their year! They are always looking for new members of all ages to join this thriving society and don’t think you need to be good at acting to join, they need members to help backstage, front of house, music etc too! If you are interested, please contact Sheila Ross at Sheilaross131@hotmail.co.uk. Annual membership is: Adult: £6 and Junior (16 & under): £2 and Family (2 adults & 2 children): £10.
From the February 2014
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