Heather Worked at “Rye’s Own” in 1965
It is with deep regret we report the passing of Heather Bryant who as Heather Bottomley worked for “Rye’s Own” when it was first published in November 1965.
Heather played a vital part in those early days, selling advertising and working with Elaine Pepprell on the regular Down Rye Way series that featured local personalities.
Heather died peacefully at St Michaels Hospice early in the evening of 22 August. Her family were at her bedside.
Her family had been hugely supportive over such a long time. It had
become apparent that medically there was no solution to her ill health
and that all hope of any quality of life was lost.

Heather has had the most miserable history of ill health over a period
of years and has had numerous admissions and surgery in hospitals
locally and in London, all to no avail.. Her health had deteriorated
in the last two weeks and she had been in both The Conquest and the
Hospice. Her family have been her mainstay..
Funeral arrangements are in hand for a burial at Playden Church and
details will follow.
“Rye’s Own” Bulletin Wednesday 24 August 2016
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