A change of name has done wonders for the Rope Walk Mews (formerly the Rope Walk Centre). The whole place has been transformed, customers are greeted at the door by a huge range of colourful plants and bushes at prices that have stirred the hearts, and pocket, of all local gardeners.
Inside a couple of brightly coloured pony carts bring memories of the time the building was used as a stable for Wright and Pankhurst’s horses.
One of the staff has been at the indoor shopping centre since it opened in 1994, Faye is the longest serving member of a very exclusive club who were at the premises when it was known as Rope Walk Arcade.
John Snelling Swap Shop was one of the original businesses, and although he later spent three years on the high street, he missed the camaraderie and to Rope Walk when his high street lease ran out. John’s Swap Shop has become quite famous over the years and customers have been known to travel hundreds of miles to ‘have a deal with John Swap’ as he is known.

There are two hairdressers in the building, Blues Barbers deals with gents and Lady Penelope, who has been at The Mews for eight years, takes on all comers. Penelope is a gentle blonde lady, but looks can be deceptive, the name Lady Penelope came from her motor cycle racing days when she competed for National titles on equal terms with the men.
Two baby shops, fishing tackle shop, pet shop, laundry, video and CD outlet – Oh dear! I have run out of space. You will have to go and have a look for yourselves. High Street Eye
“Rye’s Own” February 2008
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