Rye Runners is starting an 8-week beginners’ course on Saturday 13th June 2015. If you have never run at all, or run just a little, or haven’t run for some time and want to build your fitness and confidence in a supportive and fun environment, sign up! Men and women of all ages, fitness levels and experience are very welcome.

We’ll begin by mixing walking and running along with some exercises (drills and games) to build strength, stamina, balance, coordination and flexibility. You’ll learn how to run well and how to progress safely and effectively to continuous running. Each session will run from 9am to 10am on Saturday mornings with two qualified running leaders. It’ll be a challenge, but we guarantee that no one will ever get ‘left behind’, and you will be encouraged to work at your own personal level of ability.

There are 20 PLACES available on the beginners’ course. It costs £10 to sign up (payable in advance, along with your registration form), and then the eight weekly sessions are free of charge. At the end of the 8-week course, provided you have attended regularly, you’ll receive a Rye Runners t-shirt. You may then decide that you are ready to join Rye Runners’ multi-ability group (£4 per session, pay as you go) – which welcomes runners of all levels who can run continuously (however slowly that may be!) for 20 minutes or so. Many of the attendees from our first beginners’ course in January are now coming along regularly to the main group.

To request a registration form or more information, contact Sam at sammurphyinfo@gmail.com