Rye’s Part Time Firemen Win Another Trophy
For the third year running Rye Firemen have come back from the East Sussex Fire Services Pump Drill Competitions at Mayfield with a Trophy
This year Rye have brought back the “Wieland Cup” for the five man competition. it replaces the ‘Dumbrell’ Trophy which Rye held in 1967 and 1968. The ‘Dumbrell Cup’ for the four man competition.was won by Herstmonceux in 46 4/5 secs. Rye were forth, eight seconds slower.

Rye’s Five Man team. Dave Benn, Dick Elliot, Alec Tiltman, Bob Edwards and Bob Rogers completed their event in 32 2/5 secs, a winning margin of 4/5 sec. There were fourteen Fire Services were represented in this event.
“Rye’s Own” July 1969
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