May it please your most gracious Majesty that we,‘The Loyal Company of Town Criers, as your most humble and obedient servants do hereby make the following proclamation: that on this day, June 2nd. in the year of our risen Lord Two ‘Thousand and Twelve,let the nation of great Britain, Commonwealth States and all colonies affiliated to the Crown. Rise up with one accord; and salute our Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second; as you celebrate sixty years on the Throne ‘Throughout this momentous time in history,
Your Majesty has shown humility, kindness, and generosity, and fostered harmony, love and understanding, showing no favour to race, creed; or political persuasion.
As you, our most regal and sovereign Queen, do celebrate your Diamond Jubilee, let us all united loudly and proudly, Proclaim together:
Royal Proclamation made by Rex Swain the Rye Town Crier, on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee

“Rye’s Own” July 2012
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