Could this be the Start of Something Big?
A frantic flurry of messages in reply to a post on Ryes Own Newsfeed by Rye man Brian Clifton on 4 August who pointed out that Rye has lost it’s Raft Race, Rye United Football Club, Rye in Bloom, ‘Pram Race’ and Medieval Festival in recent times.
” I would love to help get all these events up and running so we can take our kids to a day out in this town Rye !” he said
A mass of support and reminiscences about events long gone, including Rye Sports Day, Tilling Green Carnival, Rye Carnival Queen and even Rye Regatta (though I can’t think there is anyone around who can remember that).
Jack Ash said that some of these things are being discussed at CFAIR and will be launching in October with a public meeting. CFAIR hopes to be able to put like minded people in touch to bring back things like Rye in Bloom.
Sarah Jenkinson remembered the 3 legged wheel barrow pub crawl that always started and finished at the Ypres. Raised a lot of money for charity and was a lot of fun.
Jim Hollands pointed out that starting new ventures involving large crowds was difficult in view of Health & Safety regulations and high insurance charges.
Jack Ash claimed there are ways of bringing insurance down. If we can bring lots of events together under an umbrella group for town events.
Erica Vickerman volunteered her husband who has run and organised some of the biggest events in the UK and would be happy to help.
Richard Farhall is having a meeting with a new resident later in the month to discuss getting Rye in Bloom going again. She works for a local authority in their parks and gardens dept. “I probably know all the ex Bloomers and was one of the charity founding trustees said Richard”. (Prior to that it was a Town Council committee.)
Kim Thompsett took part in the inter-pub tug of war contest in Hastings on Saturday and thought it was brilliant, such an atmosphere and the teams train really hard.

Dan Lake I would love to get involved but not if the meetings are being held at the George as it is really hard for somebody with a disability to get into.
Jim Hollands suggested Dan Lake be asked to arrange a meeting at Tilling Green Community centre – Then each person should choose what new venture they would be prepared to help with.
Dan Lake reported back Ladies and Gentlemen I have booked the board room at Tilling Green Community Centre on Wednesday 9th September at 7pm.
Let’s hope that all those that put forward ideas and offers of help on the Newsfeed will be at the meeting ready to turn words into action.
Just to give a few ideas, here are some events from Rye’s past that have fallen by the wayside . These pictures can all be enlarged.

Rye Carnival Queen 1980 – Selina Boetius-Miles

“Rye’s Own” Bulletin 10 August 2015
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