Double Exhibition at Rolfe Gallery

The Rolfe Gallery put on an exhibition of the works of prominent North Country artist Donald Taylor and sculptor Trevor Crabtree during April.

The Rye Gallery is fast gaining a reputation for attracting successful, quality artists to its High Street studio.

Donald Taylo r , who works in oil on linen, studied at Bolton Co lle g e o f Art, the Slade School of Fine Art and the British School at Rome.Art1

He has had numerous exhibitions of his work in North America, Britain and Europe. He was for a time Keeper of Fine Art at Salford Art Gallery in the early 1970’s, later moving into teaching and eventually becoming founder and course leader of the Fine Art Degree at Bolton Institute of Higher Education, retiring in 1993.

His works are in private collections in Italy, Canada, Britain, the U.S.A. and Japan. Public collectors include; Bury, Bolton, Salford and Towneley Hall Art Galleries; Granada Television; Camden Council; North West Arts. He is a member of the Chelsea Arts Club and has be referred to in the ‘Directory of Artists in Britain since 1945’.art

                        Trevor Crabtree – sculptor.

.Sculptor Trevor Crabtree’s collection of bronze sculpts gained much attention from the viewers at the gallery. His precise, intricate, detail is typical of Crabtree’s style, yet at the same time there is a simplicity which is pleasing to the eye.

In Trevor’s personal statement the artist says, ” The basic concern of the work relates to the notion of change. A table is usually a geometric, symmetrical,reliable and predictable object. In a similar way, bronze is a permanent, unchanging material. The work sets out to challenge or question these assumptions. There is no direct visual source material, the ambiguous reading being interdependent and interlocked i.e. the form and format of the table decides the form and format of the emerging seascape and vice versa.

These notions are perhaps an echo of the way we deal with life, ascribing permanence and reliability to everything we encounter. To admit to the reverse, that the only constant and reliable certainty is change, doubt and confusion is perhaps unthinkable, isn’t it?


The trees that ruined the view from the Gungarden have been removed and replaced by shrubs. The magnificent views from the gun emplacement are restored for the benefit of townfolk and visitors alike. Photograph by Frank Igglesden

Rye’s Own  April 2003

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